
‘We do not learn from our experience, we learn from processing our experience’ (John Dewey) .

Why reflect?

Being reflective is one attribute of the IB learner profile: "We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development."

When should I reflect?

You should reflect as soon as you have completed your short term CAS experience. For long term experiences, you should reflect half way the experience and at the end. But if you have something you are proud of or somethig you are struggling with, don't wait, reflect then!

What should I mention in my reflections?

  • What difficulties did you encounter? How did you overcome them? What would you do differently?

  • Are you reaching your goal? Why? Why not?

  • What did you learn from that CAS experience? Which of the IB learner profile did you develop?

  • How did you meet the learning outcomes? Do you need to alter any?

  • How can you apply what you have learnt in other life situation?

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